Should anyone asked me to visit Vietnam 5 years ago, I would have given them the cynical look. VIETNAM of all places, you must be joking. Who in their sane mind would want to visit a war torn country. However, after my first visit to Hanoi 2 years ago, I just love Vietnam. I love the higher spending power of Ringgit in comparison to Dong; their local currency. I love the food and most importantly, I love the simplicity of life there. It reminded me of my hometown 30 years ago. Sadly, having lived in the city for the past 25 years has yet to convert me into a city girl. I still miss my hometown very much. Guess deep down I am still the plain Jane from a little town known as Teluk Intan (previously known as Teluk Anson) in Perak.
Recently, I was on a holiday trip to Ho Chi Min City (HCMC). This is an all girl sight seeing and SHOPPING trip. Who said you don’t need a break from your family. Who said family ain’t stressful. They are when you have an energetic hubby who can't stay at home, a lawyer in the making daughter who rebuts to every single statement made and 3 dogs as part of the family.
Well, lets get back to the trip and not to divulge too much on family members. Who knows? I could be sued 10 years down the road for misrepresentation.
As I was busy with my work, my friends did all the planning including booking of air tickets, hotel and even came up with a list of places of interest together with a daily itinerary.

Next morning we immediately book ourselves on A Day Tour. One of the places we visited is Cu Chi Tunnel. This used to be a war zone hideout for the local soldiers. The entrance to the tunnel is extremely narrow and not visible.
Some of the traps used during the war together with the sandals worn by the local soldiers.
A city scene during the peak period is full of motorcyclist. Come to think of it moi was once like this weaving the streets of Teluk Intan on a Honda C70.
See they even have a petrol kiosk that looks like the one I visited back then to fill up on Honda C70.

To fill our stomach we had.......
Spicy Vietnamese Noodles
Minced meat on sugar cane served with rice paper
Broken rice with pork chop
and more food...............

As for shopping, we spent most of our money in this shop. The cashier was busy punching the cash register with all the items we bought.
For sure, a trip to Vietnam will not be complete without Vietnamese coffee.

Awwww how nice to have a get-away trip with your girlfriends. Thanks for sharing the pictures and story.
That minced meat on a sugar cane is fascinating!
Sounds like you had a great trip
linked u to my blog :P
you're lucky,wish I'm there now!!
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