
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dinosaur Cake

This is a dinosaur cake requested by a friend for his son's birthday.  The boy specifically requested for Stegosaurus.  I had no idea what Stegosaurus is until I did a search on the Internet.  I hand moulded the dinosaurs from fondant and left them to dry out.  Thereafter I painted the dinosaur with gel colour diluted in Vodka.  As Vodka has high content of alcohol, it will dry out fast and does not cause the colour to bleed.

I usually check with either hubby or daughter; Sydney what they think of the cake.  This time round I checked with Hubby.  Hubby is usually much more critical than Sydney.  Hubby said before the paint job, the dinosaur looks weird, but after the paint job the dinosaurs look a lot better. I thought so too.  However, I was told one of the guest at birthday party commented that the dinosaurs look like 'cicak" which mean gecko or lizard.....ha..ha..ha...(fainted)

1 comment:

  1. Nah, it looks like dinosaur to me. :) Look like lots of work went into making this cake, that's love!
