
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Adventure with Figurine

Some friends have been enquiring why haven't I update my blog for a long time. Logical thinking tells me that I should give them the most convincing answer such as my cat died, my dogs ran away from home or I have been chased out from the house. But of course all these are not true. The real reason is I have been getting lazy and once laziness sets in, it is so difficult to get rid of it.

Of late, I have also spent quite a fair bit of time catching up on my reading and watching movie series on DVD. For a romantic at heart like me, what could be more appealing than books by Judith McNaught. I think by now, I have bought most of her books. Her best books are those on historical romance.

And it was not surprising when I jump into watching Tudor when hubby brought it back one day. Who could have more romance in his life other than King Henry VIII who has 6 wives. Went to the extend of denouncing his religion in order to marry one of them (Anne Boleyn) and thereafter beheaded her.

After finishing my books and Tudor, I am now back to reality of life. Recently, I tried my hands on figurine and this is how it turn out. Next time instead of modeling fairies, I may try my hands on those handsome and pretty casts of Tudor....(wink).


  1. Little Corner : Thanks. This was done under guidance of Mamamin.

    The romantic query : You are most welcome. Pop by your blog and love the pictures. Do let me know if your novel is published. I am a sucker for historical romance, esp. 18th century.

    Caked Crusader : Ya, it been a long while since I last blog. Been working my butts off :-( Hope to be more regular in my postings.
