Normally teddy bears and booties are associated with babies or children. Not so in this case as these were baked for a babysitter who has gone beyond her expected duty and responsibilities to take of a special child. Such babysitters are not only rare these days but almost impossible to come by. As working mothers, I must say that God has been so kind to bless my friend and I with such good babysitters.
I remembered when Sydney was conceived though filled with immense joy, at the same time we were worried about who and how she is going to be cared for while I am at work. Many a times, I was tempted to quit my job in order to take care of her myself. But the reality of life with its high cost of living did not permit me to do so.
So like how we prayed for a child, we went on our knees to pray for a good babysitter. Lo and behold, God not only granted us a babysitter but one who gone beyond her responsibilities as babysitter to care for Sydney. Her family also loves Sydney like one of their own family members. Many of the good qualities that Sydney has today were instill by this babysitter. Though Sydney is in her teens now, she still goes to the babysitter's house everyday.
Back to the cupcakes.....here are the cupcakes for my friend's babysitter.

Gosh! They are so lovely and cute. If you are living near me, I would definitely order a birthday cake from you for my Little One. :)
These cupcakes are cute, love the color combination.
Cooking Ninja : Thanks for the compliment. I am more than happy to bake for your Little One.
Little Corner : Thanks..glad you like them.
Yeah agreed with everyone, the cupcakes are so lovely. I am always tempted to leave my job to become a full time mum but I am so afraid of the financial side of the family. Really have to search fro God's guidance.
Hi Jo, no compliments can match the one from my instructor. Thanks Jo. As working mum, we constantly struggle between work and family commitment *sigh*
I am drowning now....drowning into those gorgeous cupcake of yours!
Big Boys :Let me rescue you with a float...here catch..ha..ha..ha
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