YES, I have DONE IT!!!! I have finally completed all 3 basic courses provided by Wilton on cake decoration. Although a little later than expected but I can now proudly said that I am a Wilton certified basic cake decorator. For some people, this is just another course or learning. But for me, this is a great achievement considering the tight schedule that I have.
Initially, I was supposed to complete the Wilton course 3 on 1st December 2007. But after going through 3 lessons (all in 4 lessons), I had to take a break to attend my cousin's wedding in Ipoh. The break was longer than anticipated due to the fact that there were no classes in the month of December 2007 due to Christmas celebration.
At first, I thought this break would give me more time to prepare the required flowers (petunia) for my graduation cake. But how wrong was I. I was so caught up with so many other things that I was only able to make these flowers just less than a week before the graduation class. Thank God the flowers dried in time for the class.
The next challenge was to bake 2 cakes of 6 inches and 10 inches respectively. I make a blunder of baking a Mud Cake that turns out to be too dense and dry *sigh*. So, got to bake another cake. This time round I baked a Chocolate Marble cake and glad it turn out well. As for the 6 inch cake, I baked a Butter Raisin cake.
Even though baking cake is not something new to me, yet it took me 2 days to complete as I can only bake one at a time and each time was at night after my long day's work in the office.
Then on the final day which is the graduation class day, we had to decorate these cakes in class with the flowers that we had prepared. However, we have to first cover the cakes with fondant.

The colour scheme of my cake is violet and white. But not sure why the pictures that I took using my Sony camera somehow did not reflect the correct violet colour. The colour is more towards blue instead of purple.
Although on one hand I am happy that I have completed all the 3 courses but on the other hand I am feeling a little sad as I can no longer look forward to my class with excitement.......and I miss my instructors *sob-sob*.
Your graduation cake is simply gorgeous!! Love the color!
OMG, this is beautiful!!! Wow...tabit! :)
OH Congratulations!!!!! We got another baker now..... we should do some classes together soon! lol!
I now confirmed that you had graduated!!!
What an amazing cake - beautiful colours too. Congratulations on graduating!
You are finally graduated. Congratulations! You have been a great student. I like your learning attitude. Never stop practicing ok?
Little Corner : Thanks..=)
Jadepearl : Tabit right back at cha.. =) thanks
Caked Crusader : it had to be... for the justice of cake..ha..ha..ha
Jo : You have been a great 'sifu'. Enjoy learning under you. Will try to practise as much as time permits.
congratulations on your graduation!
the cake looks really pretty!!!
A hearty congratulations ! now give your inner creativity wings to fly higher and higher ! The graduation cake speaks of your infinte dimensions.
Big Boys : Doing class together sounds like FUN. But don't think am good enough. BTW, wishing you Gong Xi Fa Cai and a safe journey home....balik Ipoh?
Congrats! Your cake look really lovely! Wish I could reach that level too!
Ling I have tagged you!
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this is absolutely beautiful!! i wish i could do something as sublime as this in the future :-)
fer : Thanks :)
sugarcrafter : Your kind words means a lot to me.
Elyn : Sure you can do it. Just need to commit your time and mind to it.
Caked Crusader : Thanks for tagging me. Appreciate it much.
dhinggit : I believe you can, too
beautiful decorations! congrats on your graduation :)
piccola : Thanks for dropping by. You have a beautiful blog.
That cake looks gorgeous! It looks so professional, like the wedding cakes that I saw when we were looking around for wedding cakes last year. Do you know a simple two tier one like yours, iced and decorated, cost £250 and upwards? *faints* That's why we just went for good quality store bought chocolate cake which everyone loved anyway haha...
nilmandra : Thanks for dropping by. Wish I'm in London (?) now :)
Mind sharing if there's a technique to stack the two cakes on simply place the smailler cake on top? thks
Mind sharing if there's a technique to stack the two cakes on simply place the smailler cake on top? thks
Chezzyheart : Thanks for dropping by. To answer your question, yes there is a technique in stacking the cake. 1. You need to decide where you want the top cake to be sitted on the based cake. 2. Then you have to insert dowel rod (length similar to height of base cake) into base cake where the top cake is to be sitted. 3. Stack the top cake on the base cake. Hope this info is useful to you.
First time here.The graduation cake looks so pretty. Luved the color combination:).
Wow! I'm taking the Wilton classes now too. I'm almost done with course 1 and now I can't wait until I'm at your level! Great job!
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